Desde el pensamiento ancestral la lujuria, soberbia, mentira, odio, rabia, pereza, egoísmo y ambición son considerados como inquilinos o espíritus que nos traen enfermedad. Cada tipo de enfermedad física y emocional, tiene que ver con alguno de ellos y tiene una representación en el cuerpo, con unos síntomas, un comportamiento, una actitud y un pensamiento. El espíritu tiene el poder y lo recrea a través del cuerpo y el alma. El alma le da la forma al cuerpo, es un archivo de los inquilinos que tenemos.
Estos espíritus tienen comportamientos con memoria que hacen copia nuestra, nos van invadiendo, nos hacen vivir diferente, como no somos. Nosotros nacemos casi perfectos en todo, esos espíritus hacen que se recreen enfermedades en nosotros, nos ponen a pensar, caminar, comer, mirar distinto, empezamos a tener otras tendencias. Los inquilinos nos hacen asumir otros roles, para los cuales no estamos hechos desde la esencia. Para llegar al control de los inquilinos, recurrimos a la conciencia; allí revisamos y transformamos las acciones y las emociones.
En el pensamiento ancestral lo que se hace es una limpieza del espíritu, para que el cuerpo descanse. La limpieza espiritual genera una experiencia de paz en cada uno de nosotros.
The Occupants
From the Ancestral thought, the lust, arrogance, lie, hate, rage, laziness, selfishness, and ambition are considered as occupants or spirits; that brings us disease. Each type of physical disease is related to any of them, and they have a representation in the body through some symptoms, a behavior, an attitude and a thought. The spirit has a power and recreates it through the body and the soul. The soul gives shape to the the body, it is a file of the occupants that we have.
These spirits have behaviors with memory which create a copy of us; they keep invading us; they cause us to live differently, like people that we are not.
We are bom almost perfect in everything. Those spirits cause diseases to be recreated in us; they make us to think, to walk, to eat, to look differently; we start to have other tendencies. The tenants maker us to assume other roles, for which we are not made from the essence. To achieve the control of the occupants, we appeal to the consciousness where we review and transform the actions and the emotions.
In the Ancestral Thought, a spiritual cleanup is performed in order for the body to rest. The spiritual cleanup produces an experrience of peace in each one of us.
From the Ancestral thought, the lust, arrogance, lie, hate, rage, laziness, selfishness, and ambition are considered as occupants or spirits; that brings us disease. Each type of physical disease is related to any of them, and they have a representation in the body through some symptoms, a behavior, an attitude and a thought. The spirit has a power and recreates it through the body and the soul. The soul gives shape to the the body, it is a file of the occupants that we have.
These spirits have behaviors with memory which create a copy of us; they keep invading us; they cause us to live differently, like people that we are not.
We are bom almost perfect in everything. Those spirits cause diseases to be recreated in us; they make us to think, to walk, to eat, to look differently; we start to have other tendencies. The tenants maker us to assume other roles, for which we are not made from the essence. To achieve the control of the occupants, we appeal to the consciousness where we review and transform the actions and the emotions.
In the Ancestral Thought, a spiritual cleanup is performed in order for the body to rest. The spiritual cleanup produces an experrience of peace in each one of us.