Eternizarse como pareja
Eternizarse como pareja es definir el plan de vida desde la visión, es organizar la energía teniendo en cuenta todas las personas con las que interactúan el hombre y la mujer: las diferentes familias, las amistades y los amigos de cada uno. Para ello la pareja acuerda quiénes son amigos y con quiénes se establece una relación: los amigos o amigas están junto a la pareja; las personas con la que se establece una relación se rigen desde un reglamento. En la comunidad Carare nos estamos eternizando como personas, como parejas y como comunidad.
It is to define its dream of life
Eternalize as a couple
To eternalize as a couple is to define the plan of life since the vision• it is to organize the energy taking into account all people with whom man and woman interact: The different families, the friendships and the friends of each one. For this, the couple agrees who their friends are and with whom a relationship is established: friends that are close to the couple; the people with whom a relationship is established are ruled by a regulation.
In the Carare community we are eternalizing as people, as couples and as a community.
Eternalize as a couple
To eternalize as a couple is to define the plan of life since the vision• it is to organize the energy taking into account all people with whom man and woman interact: The different families, the friendships and the friends of each one. For this, the couple agrees who their friends are and with whom a relationship is established: friends that are close to the couple; the people with whom a relationship is established are ruled by a regulation.
In the Carare community we are eternalizing as people, as couples and as a community.