Entender es desenredar, comprender es perfeccionar
Entender Aprehender Comprender
La comprensión es visión y manejo del conocimiento, es sabiduría. La comprensión es poder ver el futuro desde el pasado o desde el presente, es vivir en el sentir. En la comprensión no hay dualidad, hay verdad.
Comprender es juntar todos los saberes y sentir la conexión con la vida, con todo lo que nos rodea sea tangible o intangible, es tener conciencia de que se puede hacer todo.
Entenderes conocimiento, aprehender es introspección, comprender es sabiduría. En la comprensión tenemos toda la información, no hay afán, jniedo o rabia, sabemos qué está pasando y qué va a pasar. Entender es desenredarse, comprender es perfeccionarse en la acción.
“To understand is to yearn. To apprehend is to listen.
To comprehend; if is the word.”
“To understand is to unravel, to comprehend is to perfect”
To Understand, To Apprehend, To Comprehend
Comprehension is vision and handling of the knowledge, it is wisdom. The comprehension is |to be able to.see the future from die past or from the present; is to live in the feeling. There is no duality in compression, there is truth.
To cormprehend is to gather all the knowledge, is to feel connection with life, with everything that is around us not matter if it is tangible or intangible; it is to have consciousness that everything can be done.
Understanding is knowledge; to apprehend is introspection; to comprehend is wisdom. In comprehension we have all the information; there is no eagerness, fear or rage, We know what is happening and what is going to happen. To understand is to be unraveled, to comprehend is to perfect ourselves in the action.
To comprehend; if is the word.”
“To understand is to unravel, to comprehend is to perfect”
To Understand, To Apprehend, To Comprehend
Comprehension is vision and handling of the knowledge, it is wisdom. The comprehension is |to be able to.see the future from die past or from the present; is to live in the feeling. There is no duality in compression, there is truth.
To cormprehend is to gather all the knowledge, is to feel connection with life, with everything that is around us not matter if it is tangible or intangible; it is to have consciousness that everything can be done.
Understanding is knowledge; to apprehend is introspection; to comprehend is wisdom. In comprehension we have all the information; there is no eagerness, fear or rage, We know what is happening and what is going to happen. To understand is to be unraveled, to comprehend is to perfect ourselves in the action.