La autonomía es la auto-ordenanza que hacemos de nuestra vida. Es la única forma de poder crear nuestro mundo, nosotros mismos lo reglamentamos, lo ordenamos. La autonomía es el acuerdo que hacemos con nosotros mismos desde el origen.
La autonomía es el derecho de tomar las decisiones correctas y tam- ] bien es el deber de asumir todas las consecuencias que traen dichas decisiones a la luz de la conciencia.
La autonomía genera autoridad, es un micro poder que se ejerce desde el individuo, la pareja, la familia, la comunidad o la sociedad. En la pareja, la familia y la comunidad, la autonomía nace de los acuerdos que después se convierten en leyes, en normas. Allí la autonomía va compartida y es « necesario saber cuál es el punto medio en el que nuestra autoridad no va en detrimento de la autonomía de los otros.
Autonomy is the self-ordinance that we perform in our life
Autonomy is the self-ordinance that we perform in our life. It is the only way to create our life; is the only way to create our world, we reflate it ourselves; we organize it. Autonomy is the agreement we made with ourselves from the origin.
Autonomy is the right to make right decisions and it is the responsibility to assume all the consequences that brings those decisions in the light consciousness.
Autonomy generates authority; it is a power that is performed from the individual, the couple, the family, the community or society. In the couple, the family and the community, autonomy surges from the agreements that later become laws, and norms, "there, the autonomy is shared; arid ft is needed to know the which our authority does not go against the autonomy of others.
Autonomy is the self-ordinance that we perform in our life. It is the only way to create our life; is the only way to create our world, we reflate it ourselves; we organize it. Autonomy is the agreement we made with ourselves from the origin.
Autonomy is the right to make right decisions and it is the responsibility to assume all the consequences that brings those decisions in the light consciousness.
Autonomy generates authority; it is a power that is performed from the individual, the couple, the family, the community or society. In the couple, the family and the community, autonomy surges from the agreements that later become laws, and norms, "there, the autonomy is shared; arid ft is needed to know the which our authority does not go against the autonomy of others.