Mito Palma de Chontaduro
Antes del ser humano estuvieron las plantas. Los Carares son una semilla transformada que emergió de las entrañas de la madre tierra. De las raíces del chontaduro emergió la semilla del ser humano, esa semilla transformada se convirtió en frutos que ascendían y apareció el hombre dejando su huella sobre la tierra.
Entre el cielo y la tierra, se encuentra el mundo de los hombres echando raíces en lo terrestre y creciendo con sus ramas de vida en contacto con el cielo. Como semilla original de vida el ser humano lleva en sí mismo toda la creación visible e invisible.
Los indígenas carares son hijos de la palma de chontaduro; ella les dio el espíritu ancestral en su ser. La palma es una receptora que escucha y guarda todo lo que hay a su alrededor y en su crecimiento se vuelve madera fina que no se carcome. Los corozos de las palmas de chontaduro tienen forma de rostros, con su superfcie espinosa que asemeja vellos humanos en crecimiento.
La Palma de Chontaduro es el símbolo y el diagrama para comprender la vida y el cuerpo en los carares. Es un espejo en el que nos podemos ver, en ella descubrimos el arte de vivir en concordancia con lo que las plantas nos enseñan. En la palma de chontaduro está dibujado el cuerpo, y en el cuerpo el Calendario.
Chontaduro Palm Myth
The plants existed before the human being. The Carare people are a transformed seed that emerged from the entrails of mother earth. From the roots of chontaduro, the seed of the human being was arisen; this transformed seed turned into fruits that rose and the man leaving his print on earth appeared.
Between heaven and earth there is the world of men putting in the terrestrial and growing up with their brandies of life in contact with heaven. Like an original seed of life, the human being carries in himself all the visible and invisible creation.
The indigenous Carare are children of the chontaduro palm; she hive them the ancestral spirit in their being. The palm is a recipient that listens and keeps everything that is around during its growth becomes fine wood that does not gnaw itself. The corozos of the chontaduro palm have form Of faces, with its pricky surface which resemble human hair in growth.
The chontaduro palm is the symbol the diagram to understand life and the body of the Carares. It is a mirror in which we can see ourselves; in it we discover the art of living in agreement with the teaching of the plants. In the chontaduro palm the body is drawn, and in the body, the calendar
The plants existed before the human being. The Carare people are a transformed seed that emerged from the entrails of mother earth. From the roots of chontaduro, the seed of the human being was arisen; this transformed seed turned into fruits that rose and the man leaving his print on earth appeared.
Between heaven and earth there is the world of men putting in the terrestrial and growing up with their brandies of life in contact with heaven. Like an original seed of life, the human being carries in himself all the visible and invisible creation.
The indigenous Carare are children of the chontaduro palm; she hive them the ancestral spirit in their being. The palm is a recipient that listens and keeps everything that is around during its growth becomes fine wood that does not gnaw itself. The corozos of the chontaduro palm have form Of faces, with its pricky surface which resemble human hair in growth.
The chontaduro palm is the symbol the diagram to understand life and the body of the Carares. It is a mirror in which we can see ourselves; in it we discover the art of living in agreement with the teaching of the plants. In the chontaduro palm the body is drawn, and in the body, the calendar