“El sentipensamiento es sentir la perfección”
Sentipensamiento es sentir antes de pensar. En el sentipensamiento intuimos qué va a pasar. Loque sentimos y lo que pensamos se lleva al corazón para precisar allí el anhelo, el sentir y el deseo. En el sentipensamiento se trata de pensar como se siente y de sentir como se piensa, pues sentimiento y pensamiento son inseparables. El sentipensamiento es sentir la perfección. Es aprender a percibir, a captar, a pensar y a sentir lo que somos y lo que el otro es.
The sense-thought is to feel before thinking
The sense-thought is to feel the perfection
The sense-thought is to feel before thinking. In the sense-thought we can feel what will happen. Everything that we feel and think is brought to the heart to specify there the yeanming, the feeling and desire. The sense-thought is about thinking how is felt and to feel how is thought; therefore, the feeling and thought are inseparable. The sense-thought is to feel the perfection; it is learning how to perceive, to catch, to think and to feel what we are and what the other is.
The sense-thought is to feel the perfection
The sense-thought is to feel before thinking. In the sense-thought we can feel what will happen. Everything that we feel and think is brought to the heart to specify there the yeanming, the feeling and desire. The sense-thought is about thinking how is felt and to feel how is thought; therefore, the feeling and thought are inseparable. The sense-thought is to feel the perfection; it is learning how to perceive, to catch, to think and to feel what we are and what the other is.