La paz es equilibrio, es felicidad
La paz es el sabio manejo del conocimiento. La paz es equilibrio, es la garante de la vida. Es un legado ancestral que se basa en tres principios ordenados por el Derecho Mayor y la Ley de Origen: “no hacerse daño, no hacer daño y no permitir que me hagan daño". La paz se construye dentro de nosotros mismos en y desde el espíritu. Es una responsabilidad que empieza en nuestro cuerpo que es territorio sagrado de paz.
La paz es el poder que nos permite ser felices. Este poder es la capacidad de controlar las emociones, los pensamientos, las acciones y las enfermedades que nos conducen a la violencia. Al sanarnos estamos viviendo una experiencia de paz y en ella somos capaces de construir acuerdos y consensos, en ella dialogamos y nos comunicamos en el lenguaje del espíritu que es el lenguaje de la paz.
The peace is the wise handling of knowledge
Peace is balance, is happiness
Peace is the wise handling of knowledge. Peace is the balance; it is the guarantor of life. It is an ancestral legacy that is based in three principles which are ordered by the Greater Right and the Law of Origin: “Do not hurt yourself do no hurt others and do not allow others to hurt you. The peace is built from within us and from the spirit. It is a responsibility that begins in our body which is a sacred territory of peace.
Peace is the power that allows us to be happy. This power gives us the ability to control the emotions, the thoughts, the actions and the diseases that lead us to violence. While healing, we are living an experience of peace and during this, we are capable of building agreements and consensus; while we are in peace, we dialogue and we communicate in the language of the spirit that is language of peace.
Peace is balance, is happiness
Peace is the wise handling of knowledge. Peace is the balance; it is the guarantor of life. It is an ancestral legacy that is based in three principles which are ordered by the Greater Right and the Law of Origin: “Do not hurt yourself do no hurt others and do not allow others to hurt you. The peace is built from within us and from the spirit. It is a responsibility that begins in our body which is a sacred territory of peace.
Peace is the power that allows us to be happy. This power gives us the ability to control the emotions, the thoughts, the actions and the diseases that lead us to violence. While healing, we are living an experience of peace and during this, we are capable of building agreements and consensus; while we are in peace, we dialogue and we communicate in the language of the spirit that is language of peace.