El espíritu es el soplo divino
El espíritu es el dador de la vida, es la esencia de la vida, es el aliento de la vida, es la fuerza creativa, es el que da el movimiento a la vida. Ei espíritu mueve y dirige la energía manifesta en la materia a través del pensamiento. El espíritu es el soplo divino; la respiración, en su inhalación y en su exhalación representa la danza del espíritu. El espíritu tiene el poder de la vida y es el guía. El cuerpo es el territorio del espíritu.
The spirit is the breath and the voice of life
The spirit is the divine breath
The spirit is the giver of life, it is the essence of life; it is the breath of life, the creative force, is the one that gives life movement The spirit moves and directs the manifested energy in matter through the thought The spirit is the divine breathy the respiration; in its inhalation and exhalation the dance of the spirit is represented. The spirit has the power of life and is the guide. The body is the territory of the spirit
The spirit is the divine breath
The spirit is the giver of life, it is the essence of life; it is the breath of life, the creative force, is the one that gives life movement The spirit moves and directs the manifested energy in matter through the thought The spirit is the divine breathy the respiration; in its inhalation and exhalation the dance of the spirit is represented. The spirit has the power of life and is the guide. The body is the territory of the spirit