El pensamiento es el mensajero que va a todos los espacios, recoge la información y la teje. Es el hilo que hace recorridos y construye tejidos recreando la memoria, tejiendo la historia. El pensamiento hace el tejido entre la memoria y la conciencia. El pensamiento contiene todas las imágenes y los sentimientos del universo; es un lenguaje universal gue todos los seres vivos tenemos y recreamos a través del sentir. El pensamiento viaja a través de la energía, puede llegara la conciencia, a la mente, al alma. Si el pensamiento está dirigido desde el espíritu tiene un propósito y tiene una guía.
El pensamiento se representa como una aguja con una madeja de hilo. La aguja tiene tres partes: la punta es la guía que orienta el pensamiento, es lo que se quiere o se anhela. El centro de la aguja es el contenido, es la información. El ojo de la aguja, es el revelador de la imagen. El hilo es lo que urde, amarra y teje; es el que construye. La punta guía lo que se visiona, lo que se proyecta a futuro.
The thought is the messenger that collects the information and weaves it
The thought is the messenger that goes to all the spaces, collects the information and weaves it Is the thread that creates paths and builds weaves recreating the memory, and weaving history. The thought builds the web within the memory and consciousness. The thought contains all the images and feelings of the universe; it is a universal language that we all the living beings have and recreate through the sense. The thought travels through the energy; it can reach the consciousness, the mind, and the soul If the thought is directed from the spirit, it has a purpose and it has a guide.
The thought is represented as a needle with a hank of thread. The needle has three parts: the tip is the guide that directs the thought; it is what one wants or craves for. The center of the needle is the content, it is the information. The eye of the needle is the developer of the image. The thread is what weaves, ties, and knits; is the one that builds.
The guide tip is what is envisioned, what is projected to the future.
The thought is the messenger that goes to all the spaces, collects the information and weaves it Is the thread that creates paths and builds weaves recreating the memory, and weaving history. The thought builds the web within the memory and consciousness. The thought contains all the images and feelings of the universe; it is a universal language that we all the living beings have and recreate through the sense. The thought travels through the energy; it can reach the consciousness, the mind, and the soul If the thought is directed from the spirit, it has a purpose and it has a guide.
The thought is represented as a needle with a hank of thread. The needle has three parts: the tip is the guide that directs the thought; it is what one wants or craves for. The center of the needle is the content, it is the information. The eye of the needle is the developer of the image. The thread is what weaves, ties, and knits; is the one that builds.
The guide tip is what is envisioned, what is projected to the future.