El Duelo
Duelo es transformación. Es ese testigo y guía que nos avisa que tenemos que hacer un reordenamiento de la vida para que aparezca el equili- i brio del cuerpo y del espíritu. El duelo trae dolor, el dolor es un guía; el duelo es un dolor que genera vida, un dolor de renacimiento. Siendo el dolor en sí mismo sabio lo convertimos en tormento cuando se anida el miedo a la transformación y se presenta la culpa, la incertidumbre, la angustia, la desesperanza, la depresión, la soberbia, la rabia, la venganza, el apego, la obsesión y la mentira.
El duelo invita a adentrarse en el calendario de la vida, si tenemos plan de vida y propósitos, al cumplirlos transformamos y entramos en duelos, i El ser humano siempre está en pre duelos, duelos y post duelos. Desde el ‘J inicio de la vida aparecen los duelos, cada etapa de la vida implica dejar de hacer cosas: vivimos duelos al utilizar el cuerpo de manera diferente, en j el crecimiento desde la infancia hasta la vida adulta, en las pérdidas por la vejez y las muertes.
En la memoria quedan duelos que no han sido sanados, unos propios 1 y otros que vienen de nuestros antepasados, es necesario hacer el duelo y 1 limpiar esa memoria para no quedarnos atrapados. El duelo es diferente 1 del conflicto, debemos identifcar los conflictos para resolverlos; para luego ^ tratar el duelo. El duelo no es olvido, es sanación y requiere de tiempo. *
El duelo tiene un propósito dentro de la autonomía que nos hace libres, tiene una reglamentación y en esta medida transforma y reorganiza el plan de vida. Hay que visionar esta transformación para volver al orden * y vivir el duelo.
Grief is transformation
Grief is transformation. It is the witness and guide that warn us that we have to rearrange our life in order to have balance of the body and spirit Grief brings pain, the pain is a guide; grief is an ache that generates life, a pain of renaissance. Being the grief itself a sage, we turn it into torture when the fear of transformation is nested and guiltiness occurs; the uncertainty, anguish, despair, depression, arrogance, rage, revenge, the attachment, obsession and the lie.
Grief invites us to enter into the calendar of life; if we have a plan of life and purposes, when we achieve them, we transform and go into griefs.
The human being is always in pre-grief, grief, and post grief. From the beginning of life, the griefs manifest; every stage of life implies to stop doing things: we live griefs at using the body in a different way; in growth stages from infancy to adulthood, in the losses for the old age and deaths.
In memory remain some griefs that have not been healed, some of our own, and others that come from our ancestors. Grief is different from the conflict; we must identify the conflicts to solve them, and then to process the grief. The grief is not about forgetting, it is healing and it requires time.
The grief has a purpose within the autonomy that makes us free; it has a guideline and within this measure, it transforms and recognizes the plan of life. We must visualize this transformation to go back to order and to live the grief.
Grief is transformation. It is the witness and guide that warn us that we have to rearrange our life in order to have balance of the body and spirit Grief brings pain, the pain is a guide; grief is an ache that generates life, a pain of renaissance. Being the grief itself a sage, we turn it into torture when the fear of transformation is nested and guiltiness occurs; the uncertainty, anguish, despair, depression, arrogance, rage, revenge, the attachment, obsession and the lie.
Grief invites us to enter into the calendar of life; if we have a plan of life and purposes, when we achieve them, we transform and go into griefs.
The human being is always in pre-grief, grief, and post grief. From the beginning of life, the griefs manifest; every stage of life implies to stop doing things: we live griefs at using the body in a different way; in growth stages from infancy to adulthood, in the losses for the old age and deaths.
In memory remain some griefs that have not been healed, some of our own, and others that come from our ancestors. Grief is different from the conflict; we must identify the conflicts to solve them, and then to process the grief. The grief is not about forgetting, it is healing and it requires time.
The grief has a purpose within the autonomy that makes us free; it has a guideline and within this measure, it transforms and recognizes the plan of life. We must visualize this transformation to go back to order and to live the grief.