“Ser fiel es permanecer en la confianza''
“Ser fiel es el acuerdo en espíritu con Dios que define nuestro proyecto de vida”
La fidelidad es el acuerdo en espíritu con Dios que define nuestro proyecto de vida. En esa medida es el cumplimiento de los acuerdos del origen. La persona fiel está en el servicio de Dios, en obediencia más allá i de sí misma. Prometer es una acción soberana de espíritu. El que promete j se compromete a actuar de la forma que hoy juzga óptima en situaciones 1 que pueden llevarle a pensar y sentir de modo distinto. El que cumple finalmente lo prometido lo hace consciente y voluntariamente en la decisión de crear su vida en cada instante conforme al proyecto establecido en el acuerdo. La fidelidad es una actitud creativa, no se reduce al hecho de soportar algo de forma inconsciente o conscientemente. Ser fiel es permanecer en la confianza de acuerdo al amor, la amistad y el deber.
“To be faithful is to fulfill the promise of the agreement of the origin”
“To be faithful is the agreement in spirit with God whom defines our project of life”
Faithfulness is the agreement in spirit with God whom defines our project of life. To this extent, it is the accomplishment of the agreements of the origin. The faithful person is serving God, in obedience beyond itselfI To promise is a sovereign action of the spirit. The one who promises is committed to act in the way that today judges positively in situations that can lead to think and feel in a different mode. The person who finally achieves his promises makes it consciously and voluntarily within the decision of creating his life at every moment according to the project established in the agreement
Faithfulness is a creative attitude; it is not reduced to the fact of enduring something unconsciously or consciously. Being faithful is to remain in the confidence in agreement to love, friendship and duty.
“To be faithful is the agreement in spirit with God whom defines our project of life”
Faithfulness is the agreement in spirit with God whom defines our project of life. To this extent, it is the accomplishment of the agreements of the origin. The faithful person is serving God, in obedience beyond itselfI To promise is a sovereign action of the spirit. The one who promises is committed to act in the way that today judges positively in situations that can lead to think and feel in a different mode. The person who finally achieves his promises makes it consciously and voluntarily within the decision of creating his life at every moment according to the project established in the agreement
Faithfulness is a creative attitude; it is not reduced to the fact of enduring something unconsciously or consciously. Being faithful is to remain in the confidence in agreement to love, friendship and duty.