“La delicadeza permite estar en conciencia”
La delicadeza es el embrión de la vida, es la semilla de la vida. La delicadeza permite que cuando el terreno está listo todas las semillas germinen. Es donde se reúnen el equilibrio, el respeto, la bondad, la dulzura y el amor. Es una balanza y constituye el equilibrio perfecto de los actos humanos. La delicadeza permite estar en conciencia, posibilita que el espíritu actúe. Es la forma de actuar vinculada y alimentada desde la fuente de la vida, desde el origen.
La delicadeza es sabiduría porque implica estar en visión. Al actuar con delicadeza se es preciso y se es consciente de las consecuencias que tiene cada acción. La delicadeza permite conservar la armonía, permanecer perceptivo a cada momento, saber hacia dónde se dirige el pensamiento y por tanto avanzar.
La delicadeza es el equilibrio entre la suavidad y la fuerza, es una manifestación de amor en la palabra y en el arte. Actuar con delicadeza es tener el tiempo, la disposición, la actitud, la observación, la concentración y la escucha para realizar la tarea perfecta. La delicadeza genera una sanación en lo profundo de la vida así como el sol fecunda la tierra.
Delicacy allows us to be in consciousness
Delicacy is the embryo of life. Delicacy permits that when the land is ready, all the seeds germinate. It is where the equilibrium, respect, kindness, softness and love meet. It is a
scale and constitutes the perfect balance of human acts.
Delicacy allows us to be in consciousness; it facilitates the spirit to act. It is the way of acting connected and nourished from the source of life, from the origin.
Delicacy is wisdom because it implies being in vision. To act with delicacy is to be accurate and to be conscious of the consequences of every action. It permits to preserve harmony, to remain perceptive to every momento, to know where the thought is headed to, and therefore to move forward.
Delicacy is the balance between smoothness and strength; it is a manifestation of love in the word and in the art. Acting within delicacy is to have time, disposition, attitude, observation, concentration and the listening to perform the perfect task. Delicacy generates a healing in the deepness of life as the sun fertilizes the earth.
Delicacy is the embryo of life. Delicacy permits that when the land is ready, all the seeds germinate. It is where the equilibrium, respect, kindness, softness and love meet. It is a
scale and constitutes the perfect balance of human acts.
Delicacy allows us to be in consciousness; it facilitates the spirit to act. It is the way of acting connected and nourished from the source of life, from the origin.
Delicacy is wisdom because it implies being in vision. To act with delicacy is to be accurate and to be conscious of the consequences of every action. It permits to preserve harmony, to remain perceptive to every momento, to know where the thought is headed to, and therefore to move forward.
Delicacy is the balance between smoothness and strength; it is a manifestation of love in the word and in the art. Acting within delicacy is to have time, disposition, attitude, observation, concentration and the listening to perform the perfect task. Delicacy generates a healing in the deepness of life as the sun fertilizes the earth.