Species | Family | Specimens | Local name (Achuar in italics) | PU | Use (Use Reports) | Preparation | Use reported in the Amazon | Use reported among the Shuar |
Adenostemma fosbergii R.M.King & H.Rob. | Asteraceae | APG20, APG67 | 2, APG773Araraats | L | Snakebite (15) | Leaves are crushed and mixed with water, used orally. | | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Badris gasipaes Kunth | Arecaceae | APG89 | 1-Uwi, Chonta | R orL | Malaria(3) | Decoction, used orally and then vomited | (Balslev et al., 2008) | . |
Banisteriopsis caapi (Spruce ex Griseb.) C.V. Morton | Malpighiaceae | APG23 | 2 -Nateem | L | Malaria (5) | Decoction is drunk and then vomited | (Ruiz et al., 2011) | |
Brosimum sp. | Moraceae | APG62 | 1-Kustanch | Lx | Dysentery (5), Diarrhea (4) | raw latex used orally | na | na |
Brugmansia insignis (Barb. Rodr.) Lockwood ex R.E. Schultes | Solanaceae | APG10 | 1-Maikua, Floripondio | S | Fractures and sprains (19) | The stem is scraped and squezed to extract juice, the juice is drunk and applied externally with bandage. | (Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) | (Hay et al., 2012) |
Brugmansia insignis (Barb. Rodr.) Lockwood ex R.E. Schultes | Solanaceae | APG10 | 1Maikua, Floripondio | S& L | Wound healing (5) | The stem is scraped and squezed to extract juice and applied externally with bandage. The leaf is roasted, grounded and then applied on the wound | | (Hay et al., 2012) |
Brunfelsia grandiflora D. Don | Solanaceae | APG60 | 1 APG741 APG782Chirikiasip | L | Rheumatism (4) | Decoction is used orally | (Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) | (Broseghini and Frucci, 1986) |
Carica papaya L. | Caricaceae | | Papaya | Se | Parasites (22) | Seeds are crushed and mixed with water, used orally | (Rutter, 1990) | (Broseghini and Frucci, 1986) |
Cedrela odorata L. | Meliaceae | APG13 | 1Kanu, Cedro | B | Leishmaniasis (3) | Internal part of the bark is scraped and | (Kvist et al., 2006; Odonne, 2010) | . |
| | | | | | applied on the lesion | | |
Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn. | Bombacaceae | APG15 | 1Mente' | B | Leishmaniasis (3) | Bark powder is applied externally | (Odonne et al., 2011) | |
Citrus aurantifolia (Christm.) Swingle | Rutaceae | | Limon | F & J | Diarrhea (19) | Fruit or juice is added to preparations with other species | (Odonne et al., 2013) | |
Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck | Rutaceae | APG97 | 1 APG1281Naranja | L | Diarrhea (4) | Decoction, used orally | (Thomas and Vandebroek, 2006) | |
Cremastosperma cauliflorum R. E. Fr. | Annonaceae | APG107- | 3, APG1153, APG115b 2 APG1291-Mantach, Quinina | B | Diarrhea (10), Dysentery (3), Colic (1), Stomach pain (D | Decoction | | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Cremastosperma cauliflorum R. E. Fr. | Annonaceae | | Mantach, Quinina | | Malaria (4) | Decoction | | |
Croton lechleri Mull. Arg. | Euphorbiaceae | APG90 | 1Uruch numi, Sangre de drago | Lx | Wound healing (24), Leishmaniasis (D | Latex is applied on the lesion | (Maxwell, 1990) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Croton lechleri Mull. Arg. | Euphorbiaceae | APG90 | 1Uruch numi, Sangre de drago | Lx | Diarrhea (13), Dysentery (1), | Raw latex is used orally | (Carlson and King, 2000; Odonne et al., 2009; Ubillas et al., 1994) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Croton lechleri Mull. Arg. | Euphorbiaceae | APG90 | 1Uruch numi, Sangre de drago | Lx | Stomach ache (3) | Raw or cooked, used orally | (Vasquez, 1994) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Cymbopogon citratus (DC.) Stapf. | Poaceae | | Hierba luisa | L | Common cold (6), fever (2) | Decoction is drunk or the water is used to bath | (Grenand et al., 1987) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Cyperns articulatus L. | Cyperaceae | APG22 | Z, APG502 APG512Piripiri | R | To limit childbirth pain (3) | Root chewed with water and then the water is drunk | (Duke, 2008) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Cyperus prolixus Kunth | Cyperaceae | APG24 | J, APG553, APG681, APG1463Piripiri | R | Diarrhea (12) | Crushed with water or chewed and then used orally | (Plowman et al., 1990) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Dieffenbachia sp. | Araceae | APG121 | 1Sunkip (camacho) | S | Wound healing (3), Snakebite (D | Stem is scraped and applied on lesion | na | na |
Euterpe precatoria Mart. | Arecaceae | APGIOlb 2 APG101 | Sake | R | Malaria (3) | Decoction is used orally | (Bertani et al., 2005; Kvist et al., 2006; Ruiz et al., 2011) | |
22 Ficus insipida Willd. | Moraceae | APG19 | 1, APG1112,Seem, Wampu' | Lx | Intestinal parasites (16) | Latex with water (somtimes cooked) is used orally | (Vasquez, 1994) | |
Gossypium barbadense L. | Malvaceae | APG45 | 2, APG1171Uruch, Algodon | L | Diarrhea (5) | Decoction sometimes P.guayava leaves and bark and lemon fruits are added | (Rengifo-Salgado, 2010) | |
Gossypium barbadense L. | Malvaceae | > > "□ "0 CD CD | cnUruch, Algodon | uF | Ear ache (8) | Fruit is roasted and then the tip is cut, the fruit is squeezed and drops are appliead inside the ear | (Grenand et al., 1987; Luziatelli et al., 2010) | |
Grias neuberthii J. F. Macbr. | Lecythidaceae | APG32 | d, APG122, APG1311, APG1411Apai, Huevo de burro | B | Malaria (3) | scraped bark is mixed with water and boiled, decoction is drunk and vomited | (Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) | |
Guarea grandifolia (L.) Sleumer | Rubiaceae | APG81 | 1-Pamasuki | B | Malaria (3) | Powdered bark is mixed with water and | _ | _ |
| | | | | | used orally and then vomited | | |
Hamelia patens Jacq. | Rubiaceae | ~APG4? APG28 | 1Tsapuk | L | Malaria (7) | Decoction is used orally | (Valadeau et al., 2009) | _ |
Himatanthus sucuuba (Spruce ex Mull.Arg.) Woodson | Apocynaceae | APG4 | 1Apach | B | Abscess (3), | Bark is scraped and applied on the lesion | (Odonne et al., 2013; Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) | |
Hylocereus sp. | Cactaceae | | Ikiamanch | S | Fractures and sprains (10) | Gel/Juice is extracted and then both applied externally and used orally | na | na |
Ilex guayusa Loes. | Aquifoliaceae | APG93 | 1Wayus | L | Diarrhea (3) | Decoction is used orally | (Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) | |
Ilex guayusa Loes. | Aquifoliaceae | APG93 | 1 | L | Wound healing (3) | Chewed and applied on lesion | antiseptic use in (De Feo, 1992) | |
Inga edulis Mart. | Mimosaceae | APG44 | 1Wampaa, Guava | B | Diarrhea (5), Dysentery (1), | Decoction is used orally mixed with P. guayava | | (Gerique-Zipfel, 2011) |
Jacaranda copaia (Aubl.) D.Don | Bignoniaceae | APG109 | 2 APG141Kuiniap (Kuiship) | L | Leishmaniasis (3), Dermatological (D | Leaves are crushed and applied externally | (Gachet and Schuhly, 2009; Plotkin, 1993) | (De la Torre et al 2007) |
Leguminosae | Leguminosae | APG149 | 1 APG1521Kuup | B | Snakebite (16) | Scraped bark releases liquid, which is drunk | na | na |
Manihot esculenta Crantz | Euphorbiaceae | | Yuca | R | Malaria (3) | Peeled and cooked roots are fermented to make chicha and then juice from leaves of Nicotiana tabacum are added, used orally | (Vasquez, 1994) reported for Fever. (In this case the plant is used to create the administration drink while the active ingredient is probably nicotiana tabacum) | |
Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry | Bignoniaceae | APG3 | 1Kaip, Ajo del monte | L | Common cold (6) | Decoction used orally and to bath | (Grenand et al., 1987) | . |
Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry | Bignoniaceae | | Kaip, Ajo del monte | L | Disease prevention (4) | Fumigation by burning leaves on a fire | (Grenand et al., 1987) | . |
Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry | Bignoniaceae | | Kaip, Ajo del monte | Lor R | Fever(3) | Leaves are boiled in water, which is used to bath. Root is boiled in water and the decoction is drunk | (Grenand et al., 1987; Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) | |
Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry | Bignoniaceae | | Kaip, Ajo del monte | L & S | Mucosal leishmaniasis (3) | Crushed and squeezed to extract juice, which is applied on lesion | (Odonne et al., 2009) | |
Mansoa alliacea (Lam.) A.H. Gentry | Bignoniaceae | | Kaip, Ajo del monte | L, S& R | Rheumatism (4) | Decoction is drunk | (Vasquez, 1994) | |
Minquartia guianensis Aubl. | Olacaceae | APG82 | 2 APG631Paini, Wambula | B | Leishmaniasis (3) | External layer of the bark is reduced in powder and applied on lesion | (Gachet et al., 2010; Odonne et al., 2009) | |
Mucuna sloanei Fawc. & Rendle | Fabaceae | APG76 | 3 APG76b2 APG721Wapaa | Se | Snakebite (6) | The seed is split and the internal part is scraped and mixed with water. Used orally. | Duke and Vasquez(1994) reports the use of Mucuna pruriensis in the Amazon. Mucuna rostrata used elsewhere for snakebite (Soukup, 1970) | |
Musa x paridisiaca L. | Musaceae | APG94 | 1Majench, Guineo, Orito | Lx | Diarrhea (18) | Latex is used orally | (Branch and Silva, 1983; Odonne et al., 2013) | (Bennett et al.,2002) |
Musa x paridisiaca L. | Musaceae | | Majench, Guineo, Orito | S | Snakebite (3) | Liquid from the stem is used to wash the bite | [(Sarny et al., 2008) reported the use elsewhere] | |
Nicotiana tabacum L. | Solanaceae | APG95 | 1Tsaank, Tabaco | L | Malaria (8) | Leaves are crushed in water, sometimes mixed with Chicha. The remedy is drunk and then vomited | (Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) [as treatment for chills] | |
Ocimum micranthum Willd. | Lamiaceae | APG1 | 1Albahaca | L | Common cold (3) | Decoction of the leaves, Cymbopogon citratus leaves may be added. Administered orally or as a steam bath | (Rodrigues, 2006; Schultes and Raffauf, 1990) | |
Opuntia ficus-indica L. Mill | Cactaceae | | Ikiamanch, Tuna | Cl | Fractures and sprains (4) | Cladode is split in two and the internal gel is drunk and applied on the affected part | | |
Parkia multijuga Benth. | Mimosaceae | APGie* APG127 | Tankam | B | Wound healing (4) | Powdered bark is used externally | (Alarcon, 1988) | |
Phthirusa pyrifolia Kunth Eichler | Loranthaceae | CM ^ | _Q O O CO CO CD CD CL CL < <Au arake | L | Fractures and sprains (4) | Decoction is used orally | (Alarcon, 1988; Odonne et al., 2013) | |
Plagiochila cf. subplana | Plagiochilaceae | APG11 | 3Juu | All | Wound healing (5) | Chewed and applied on the lesion | | |
Psidium guayava L. | Myrtaceae | APG88 | 3 APGSSb1Kirim, Guayaba | L, F, B | Diarrhea (40) | Decoction | (Duke and Vasquez, 1994) | |
Urera baccifera (L.) Gaudich. Ex Wedd. | Urticaceae | APG35 APG48 | 2 APG1382Tuntun nara, Ortiga | R | Malaria (7) | Decoction is drunk and then vomited | (Valadeau et al., 2010) | |
Urera baccifera (L.) Gaudich. Ex Wedd. | Urticaceae | APG35 APG48 | 2 APG1382Tuntun nara, Ortiga | L | Rheumatism (5), body aches (1) | leaf hit body parts, which are then massaged | (Cayon and Aristizabal, 1980) | |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe | Zingiberaceae | APG98 | 1Ajej, Jengibre | Rh | Diarrhea (17) | Decoction or rhizome crushed in water and then used internally | (Grenand et al., 1987; Vickers and Plowman, 1984) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe | Zingiberaceae | APG98 | 1 | Rh | Common cold (9) | Decoction or chewed | | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe | Zingiberaceae | APG98 | 1 | Rh | Cough (5), | Decoction or chewed | (Duke and Vasquez, 1994) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe | Zingiberaceae | APG98 | 1 | Rh | Blood loss during childbirth (5) | Decoction, used orally. | | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe | Zingiberaceae | APG98 | 1 | Rh | Pain during childbirth (4) | Decoction, used orally. | (Branch and Silva, 1983) | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Zingiber officinale Roscoe | Zingiberaceae | APG98 | 1 | Rh | Snakebite (3) | Chewed together with roots of Cyperus sp. | | (Bennett et al., 2002) |
Zea mays L. | Poaceae | | | 1C | Colics (3) Diarrhea (2) | Internal part of the cob is reduced to ahses, these are mixed with water, which is drunk | | |
Specimens: 1= Herbario de la Universidad Central del Ecuador , Quito (QCA); 2= Herbario Nacional de Ecuador en Quito (QCNE); 3= Herbario de la Universidad Central del Ecuador (QAP).
PU: Part used, L=leaves;R=root; Rh=Rhyzome; Lx=Latex; S=stem; B=Bark; Se=Seeds; F=Fruit; J=Fruit juice; uF=unripe fruit; Cl=cladodes; IC=internal part of the corn cob.
Use reports: Number of independent reports of the same use is shown within parentheses.
Plant names were checked with www.theplantlist.org (accessed on May 2014); na=not applicable
PU: Part used, L=leaves;R=root; Rh=Rhyzome; Lx=Latex; S=stem; B=Bark; Se=Seeds; F=Fruit; J=Fruit juice; uF=unripe fruit; Cl=cladodes; IC=internal part of the corn cob.
Use reports: Number of independent reports of the same use is shown within parentheses.
Plant names were checked with www.theplantlist.org (accessed on May 2014); na=not applicable